Do’s and don’ts on the First Day of Homeschool

In this article, we will talk about the do’s and don’ts on the first day of homeschool. We put together a list of do’s and don’ts and we are sure that your first day of homeschool will be memorable.

Regardless of why you may want to homeschool your child, make sure you’re giving your child the best education possible. This alone makes the very idea of homeschooling very overwhelming, and if this is going to be your first-year of homeschooling, then you’re probably feeling a lot of pressure right now.

You’re more than likely trying to plan out the perfect homeschool curriculum, put together a schedule in your homeschool planner, and make sure you have all the supplies you need. No matter how much planning you do beforehand, you’re probably going to feel nervous and a bit unsure on the very first day of home school. To make your first homeschool day go smoothly, there are some things you should do and some things you shouldn’t do.

Things to Do on the First Day of Homeschooling

Make the first day special — even though you’re only going to be at home during homeschool, you still want to make the first day feel like a special event. This will help the kids get more excited about the upcoming year and can help everyone, including yourself, overcome the nervousness of embarking on this new educational journey.

Cook a special breakfast or lunch — although this might not seem like a big deal incorporating a fun meal on the first day of school can help make the day more relaxed and fun. Include the kids in the process of making food so the experience can be that much more special for them.

Take pictures — if there is one thing parents LOVE doing on the first day of school, it’s taking photos of the kids. Don’t let the fact that you’re homeschooling make you shy away from taking that first day of school pictures! Just because you’re at home doesn’t mean the experience is any less exciting or less special. Document the day and even make a fun art activity from it using the pictures.

kid at homeschool

Keep things simple — you’re probably going to be focused on trying to make sure you have the perfect curriculum and most efficient routine but for this first day, take things slow. Keeping things simple on the first day lets you focus on just enjoying the experience and getting used to it.

Have an early day — Don’t force yourself to complete a full day of homeschool on the first day. This goes right, along with keeping things simple. Overwhelming yourself on the first day could leave both yourself and your child feeling more stressed than excited about this new journey.

Fun homeschool activities — remember to make the first-day fun!

homeschool activities

Things Not to Do on the First Day of Homeschooling

Start on a Monday — you can start on a Tuesday or Wednesday and set shorter homeschool hours. This way, you won’t have a full week. Give yourself a break with a short week.

Force a schedule/routine — although you will need some form of routine later on during your homeschooling experience, there’s no need to try to force the routine on the first day.

Wake up late — even though you’re homeschooling, you still want to make sure you get up and prepare for the first day. Start this habit early to ensure you keep up with it.

Push kids too hard — homeschooling is a new experience for everyone involved, including the kids. Be easy on them as they adjust to this unique experience.

Be hard on yourself — no one is perfect, and as you’re figuring out what works best for you, then you are probably going to make a few mistakes. Don’t beat yourself up over your mistakes. Just keep learning from them and doing your best, and everything will turn out fine!

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