How to Create the Perfect Study Space in 8 Steps

To create the perfect study space, you do not only need a desk and other furniture. Here is what you need and where to start to create a study corner that you love.

Create the Perfect Study Space in 8 Steps

perfect study space

1. Select a Good Study Desk and Chair

A perfect study space begins with getting a good study desk that fits in your room. It would help if you also had a desk chair, preferably an ergonomic office chair that is comfortable but not to such an extent that you can easily shut down and fall asleep. Therefore, correctly select the height of the table. When you sit, the table cover should be between your waist and chest so that you can freely put your elbows on the table without hunching. And your feet should be entirely on the floor or a footrest. If you work on a computer, the distance from the monitor’s eyes should be between 40 and 74 cm.

2. Provide Adequate Lighting

Insufficient study place lighting will not only make you nod off but also cause eye strain, which is terrible for your health and the entire learning process. Harsh light, such as fluorescent lights, is also harmful to the eyes. Therefore, use a desk lamp aimed directly at the workplace, a chandelier, or another luminaire to illuminate the room as a whole.

If you can read in natural light, it is worth taking advantage of it. However, keep in mind that although the natural daylight from the window is invigorating, refreshing, and pleasing to the eye, the window itself is often a distraction, causing the temptation to look at it and not at your study material. For that reason, draw in tulle or curtains as long as they are thin and let light. If your room light is too bright, you may want to consider getting a light filter.

3. Ensure that your Study Materials are Always on the College Desk

Ensure you have everything you need on your desk so that you don’t have to waste time rummaging around the room looking for a ruler or pencil. To achieve this, keep standard reading supplies like pens, pencils, erasers, notebooks, notepaper, and markers in their designated place on a desk or in a drawer.

4. Keep your Study Desk in Order

To organize your desk in your college room, use the drawers on your table so that you can have the right accessories at your fingertips. Use boxes, trays, and other storage devices that can be put on the table or around the workplace’s perimeter. If you have educational materials on separate sheets, sort them into folders – each subject separately. Do not forget to sign the folders and notebooks and fold them so that you get the right one every time you want to.

5. Get Rid of Everything that Distracts on your Desk

Get rid of the mess on the table. The proper organization not only of the storage spaces but also of the learning process itself: make sure that notebooks, papers, pens, and open books do not clutter the table too much while you are studying. The disorder can cause stress and fatigue and inhibit effective learning. It is general knowledge that excessive cluttering on your table is distracting. Simply put, the desk surface should have only what you need at the moment.

6. Use the desk only for Studying

If you have the opportunity to allocate space exclusively for studying – even it will be just a corner, a niche, or a storeroom – do it. Let your presence in this place purely be associated only with your studies.

If this is not possible, make every effort to convert a place with other functions into a study space. If it is a dining table, remove food, dishes, and everything else not associated with studying. Similarly, if the table is for gaming and hobbies, remove everything that could distract you from your studies. Get yourself a desk divider and create a dedicated study space.

7. Personalize your Study Desk

Try to stay in a convenient place. For more silence, work in a quiet corner, in the bedroom, or even in the attic if you live in your own house. For more surrounded by sounds, sit next to a livelier place (but not directly to it).

If the room does not always serve you to study, let your family know when you are studying. You can even leave a “do not disturb” sign on the door, “learn lessons — don’t knock off without knocking!” Or “please don’t make noise.”

Add personal touches such as photos, inspiring quotes, or a vision board to make the space uniquely yours. For a pleasant ambiance, consider using scented candles or diffusers to elevate your mood. You can also purchase gourmand scents here to create a cozy and motivating environment. Just make sure the scent is not too strong or overwhelming.

8. Use Decor for Motivation

Decorate your study desk with posters, pictures, photos that inspire you and lift your spirits. Watch them only to motivate you and not distract you.

Think of What Inspires You

Family or pet photos? A poster with the car of your dreams that you hope to buy at the end of your studies? Previous control in chemistry with the “two,” which you intend to fix? In other words, decide which method of motivation suits you best. Decorating a workplace is useful since it feels “yours,” even if you temporarily work on it (like, say, at a dinner table or in a living room). In addition to training accessories, bring some inspirational little things with you that will be easy to remove as soon as you finish.

Impact your Feelings

If you want to add color to your workplace, keep in mind that cold tones (blue, purple, green) evoke a feeling of peace and stability. Warm shades (red, yellow, orange) produce activity and sometimes worry. Therefore, if you are nervous before exams, use a cool palette for workplace decoration. If, on the contrary, you need to “stir up” yourself, choose warm colors.

Do Not Neglect other Senses

Some smells, such as lemon, lavender, jasmine, rosemary, cinnamon, and mint, can help elevate mood and improve performance. Try scented candles or essential oils (if neither you nor your family members are allergic). While the best environment for studying is a neutral background sound, rain noise, or classical music, if you don’t like them, choose just familiar music. Make a playlist of songs you’ve heard a million times; they will distract you less than a new hit that one wants to sing along.

Do Not Overdo It

Remember that the goal of the perfect study space is to increase the effectiveness of your studies. If you try to arrange everything perfectly, arrange and decorate for too long, you take away the time you could spend on your studies and thus do yourself a disservice. Instead of creating a workplace where nothing distracts you, you are distracted by the workplace itself! Therefore, remember: it is better to learn in a workplace that is far from ideal than to get in an ideal one.

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