Every teacher has their teaching style, and each method depends on varying factors, the activity itself, the students, and the teacher’s personality. This article will talk about the 5 most common teaching styles and how effective they are. The five teaching styles are the teacher as an authority, demonstrator, facilitator, delegator, and conductor. How effective are each of these different types of teaching, and which teaching style is the best?
The 5 Most Common Teaching Styles
1. Teacher as an Authority
It is known as “The Authority or Lecture Style.” and is seen as a teacher-centered approach to learning. This is because this teaching style offers very limited to no student participation. The authority teacher is in sole control and disjoints himself from the group. This teaching style is more renowned in tertiary institutions, and lessons are common in the standard classroom setting. The authority method can work with older students who require memorization and do not demand teacher criticism.
The lessons are very well planned and do not allow for spontaneous activities. This teacher-centered teaching style restricts the students from participating. The authority has little contact with the students, and this has adverse effects on students’ performance. The student’s motivation can drop. Some students repel such effects, and this could cause conflicts. Due to this, students could lose their self-esteem and independence.
2. Teacher as a Demonstrator
This type of teaching style is the “Coach Style.” It is similar to the authority style. A teacher might involve multimedia presentations or different frontal class activities during classroom teaching. This teaching style is advisable for subjects like music, science, humanities, etc., where you can give a full comprehension of a topic only by demonstrating. This teaching style also limits communication between the demonstrator and the student.
3. Teacher as a Facilitator
This method is the “Facilitator Style,” a student-centered teaching approach to learning that promotes critical thinking skills. The facilitator’s primary job is to coach and facilitate and energize the active learning proceedings by building a suitable logical and emotional environment in the classroom. This method of teaching develops self-directed learning. Each student should look for answers and information through research.
The teacher forms goals and objectives for some students or individuals and then builds a free and serene ambiance that helps solve problems. The facilitator should express opinions and feeling to show care. This method is perfect for smaller groups so that the facilitator can communicate with students individually.
4. Teacher as a Delegator
Another student-centered method is the fourth teaching style, “The Delegator Style.” This method is well-suited for high school teachers. This learning process is great for group work, project-based learning, and lab activities. The teacher’s role is to observe and engage the students in different learning activities. The delegator plans classroom games and learning activities, such as team projects, role-playing, creative debates, or writing tasks.
A delegator can give students a chance to enhance their problem-solving skills and prepare them for the real world. The benefit of this effective method is that everyone in the class feels their independence and freedom. The teacher and student undergo the learning progress together.
5. Teacher as a Conductor
The last one on our list of the five teaching styles is “The Hybrid Style,” or blended learning. It blends the teacher’s personality and interests with the student’s needs. Blended learning is a contemporary digital method that combines traditional teaching techniques and new digital learning exercises. The power of this teaching style is the blending of several technologies into one integrated learning method.
Blended learning helps build a sense of unity in large classes and allows students to receive course materials and learn to use them efficiently and on time. On the contrary, there are many concerns about this way of learning. Students may need more guidance to do tasks on time, and teachers could be overworked. The teacher has to build unique content to adapt to the student’s learning needs.
Find Your Teaching Style
In this article, we talked about five different teaching styles. We need to understand that all teachers have different teaching methods, and all styles have their positive and negative effects on the class. We also need to understand how students learn and how our students develop critical thinking skills. The student’s learning style depends on many factors, and not every teaching method works for everyone. Balance the communication between the teacher and the students and focus on inclusion.
The best teaching styles include being empathetic with students, motivating them to learn, hearing their complaints, and giving them direct instruction. Encourage students to ask questions and provide you with feedback. Students need to feel that their voice someone hears their voice and that someone respects their opinion to give their respect back to them. Take notes of things that work well and things that went wrong to improve the following lessons.
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