Why You Should Think About Your Interests When Searching for a Career

While a career might not be as guaranteed for life as in the past, it will still shape your present and future to such a degree that choosing wisely is paramount for a satisfying life. One sure-fire way to find something that you will be able to “click” with is to consider your interests. Doing so will make it more likely you can find the kind of job that works for you and enables you to provide the most value to your employer. This post will investigate the connection between interests and career satisfaction so that when the time comes to begin looking for something, you will be well-equipped to laser focus your search on those industries that most align with your personality.

Your Interests Shape Your Passions

Everyone is interested in one thing or another, and by understanding what these things are, you can discover what drives and motivates you. Once you have found these things, you will discover your true calling in life that will propel you forward toward precisely the sort of life you have always (but may never have thought of) wanted. However, knowing what interests you have can often be a task mired in long days, thinking about who you are as a person and what you enjoy. 

It might appear obvious, but when you dig into it, you will find that many of your existing interests are only skin deep, and relying on these preexisting things doesn’t often manifest as true passion. One option is to use platforms like ArchAdemia or similar ones, that enable you to really get into the weeds regarding a particular subject you have studied (architecture and design, for that example) and help you to niche down as much as possible. Once you have found the subject that ignites your passions and have a strong urge to follow it down the rabbit hole, you can begin your job search safe in the knowledge that you have taken the right path.

Discovering Meaning in Your Work

When you mention the word work to most folks, you will likely elicit a response ranging from mere disinterest to outright hostility. This happens when people believe they are stuck in a dead-end job with no prospects for development and is entirely disconnected from who they are as a human. This is an unfortunate consequence of falling into a career purely based on financial results or necessity. While some simply won’t have the opportunity to find a job that aligns with their passions, if you are able to, you should. As the saying goes, “If you enjoy your job, you will never work a day in your life.” While that might be a tad over-optimistic, the assertion has some truth. When you find a career that gives you meaning and purpose, you will awaken from your slumber each morning, raring to get up and get going! Each day will be unique and memorable and contribute to your overall feeling of satisfaction.

You Will Be Far More Motivated To Go Above And Beyond

If you are the ambitious type, you probably have lofty career goals that include moving up the ranks at your company. In almost all instances, you will need to prove yourself worthy to ascend to the top ranks of the company, with the most apparent option being showing initiative and willingness to go above and beyond. This can be tedious and not worth the effort if you are uninterested in your job, but if you enjoy your work, career progression will come naturally, and you will discover yourself in the rarefied atmosphere of top positions before you know it! Additionally, you will be more inclined to help your fellow colleagues and form new connections that can put you in good stead for any future career swap.

A Job Shaped By Your Interests Will Be Far More Fulfilling

Contrary to popular and comedic belief, a job can be fulfilling. Even the most mundane can have a sense of accomplishment as long as you are energized for the tasks at hand. If you have ever been stuck in a career you are entirely unengaged with; you will already know the mental anguish it can cause. You spend more time of your life staring at your watch, waiting for it to hit five o clock than actually working in some cases! This can cause a severe malaise and, if not adequately addressed, can cause some folks to fall into a spiral of depression that makes even everyday activities seem a challenge. Conversely, a job that transpired thanks to careful consideration of your interests will give meaning to your life and allow you to stretch your creative wings in a way that other work cannot.

It Will Expedite The Job Search Phase

Perhaps the most time-consuming aspect of the whole process is the initial search. This can often take weeks, if not months, particularly if you include the time it takes to respond. Fortunately, knowing what you want in advance can dramatically speed up the undertaking, and you should find yourself at the interview stage before you know it. When you know where your interests lie and what you want to achieve in life, you can miss out on the occupations that don’t resonate with you and head directly to those that do.

You Will Ace The Interview

Interviews can be as scary or straightforward as you want to make them. However, when facing a panel of steely-faced professional interviewers for an occupation you are passionate about, you will find the apprehension slips away and makes way for a feeling of euphoria when you cruise through the questions. Moreover, because you have an interest in the subject, you will find it far easier to answer each question truthfully and with a tone of enthusiasm. Your positive attitude can easily rub off on the interviewers, making it much more conducive to forming a rapport that should put you in good stead to acquire a proposition to begin working as soon as you are available.

Looking for work that is both fulfilling and worthy of your talents can be tricky for most. However, if you take time to figure out what you enjoy, you can reduce the time it takes to find a job, and when you do find one, rest assured that you will fit right in.

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