5 Advantages of Video Games in Schooling

Video games have been a source of controversy for a long time, with some people claiming they are nothing more than a time waster and come with no educational benefit at all. However, you will be surprised to know what recent research has discovered. Video games have turned out to offer a variety of advantages. Cognitive abilities, engagement, decision-making speed, experiential learning, and social-emotional development may all be enhanced by playing video games. Let’s dig a little bit deeper and shed some light on the five most prominents advantages of video games in schooling.

#1 — Video Games Improve Engagement and Sustainability

Video games like Destiny 2 promote engagement and sustainability in a variety of ways. Bungie, the developer of Destiny 2, has built the product with player engagement in mind. The game gives players a sense of control and autonomy, allowing them to make choices and decisions that affect the outcome of the gameplay. This can lead to a feeling of accomplishment and motivation to continue playing. But that’s not the only feature worth mentioning.

Video games can also help build resilience by providing players with a safe environment where they can fail and try again. Players can learn from their mistakes and try different strategies until they succeed, which can help develop resilience and persistence. For those who have not succeeded yet, there is always the opportunity to order the Destiny 2 carry service, where experienced players will help you complete any tasks. Due to the necessity of teamwork to accomplish a common objective, the game promotes straightforward communication and collaboration. The ability to operate in a cohesive team and interact effectively are two traits that can help players succeed in a variety of spheres of life.

#2 — Video Games Improve Cognitive Skills

The NIH study involving almost 2,000 children has shown that kids who admitted to playing video games for more than two hours a day did better on tests of working memory and impulse control than those who are not participating in computer gaming. Additionally, the research has discovered that playing video games could enhance one’s spatial navigation skills, critical thinking abilities, problem-solving and reasoning skills, memory and learning abilities, perceptual and attentional skills, and memory retention. During gameplay, players’ brains go through stress making them adjust to the difficulties they encounter. Researchers have found that learning and solving complex problems can actually improve brain function. 

#3 — Video Games Provide Experiential Learning Opportunities

Children may learn by engaging in hands-on activities through computer games. The latter encourages imaginative play and enables kids to simulate an experiment in real-world contexts. Instead of using traditional materials and techniques, video games give students an alternative way to connect with concepts and ideas. As they frequently mimic real-world scenarios, educational video games give kids a risk-free setting in which to make decisions, solve issues, and deal with consequences. As a rule, top games for children have a few traits, emphasizing a single cognitive ability and encouraging players to hone it. 

#4 — Video Games Promote Social-Emotional Learning

Games can enhance learning by making it more engaging and can help in developing crucial social and emotional skills (SEL). When children play video games with others, it can improve their soft skills like empathy, preparing them for their future careers. Try to find rare retro games to add a unique and nostalgic element to your gaming collection. These hidden gems not only hold sentimental value but can also offer fresh challenges and perspectives for modern gamers. Additionally, children can learn how to see things from other people’s points of view by controlling their in-game characters.

#5 — Video Games Help Boost the Speed of Decision-Making

According to researchers from the University of Rochester, playing video games can improve judgment-making abilities in children, allowing them to make decisions in real life more swiftly and accurately. The study also found that action game players, in particular, are more likely to judge situations quickly and accurately than non-players or even those who play slow-paced games. For example, multitasking is a common requirement in action games. They provide players with such high levels of activity and stimulation for the participants to improve their multitasking skills.

This is also what cognitive psychologists believe in. The brains of action video game players are more adept at gathering both visual and aural information, which allows them to reach the decision-making threshold considerably faster than non-players do. Soft abilities that are beneficial in the workplace, such as perception, attention, memory, and quick decision-making, are developed by playing video games.

So Is It Good or Bad to Play Video Games?

The next time your kid asks you for a video gaming time, think twice before saying no. There are many benefits available to children who play computer games regularly. Of course, balance is a key to success, and kids should not overdo gaming. But overall playing video games can aid children in improving their cognitive and deceiving-making skills, which are beneficial in a variety of academic and practical contexts. 

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