What Are Choose Your Own Adventure Books

In a “choose your own adventure” book, the reader can choose the storyline’s direction at many different points in the story. The story can take on many different plot-points, yet it still has a certain plot orientation. Some are character-driven; some are action-oriented. Others are absurd or complex. But what are choose your own adventure books and what makes them so special?

The Endings

Most “choose your own adventure” books offer dozens of possible endings; some even offer hundreds of possible endings. The number of endings a “choose your own adventure” book will possess depends on the author’s choices and the overall genre of the book. For example, horror and sci-fi books tend to have a greater variety of endings than other types of “choose your own adventure” books.

One of the best parts of a “choose your own adventure” book is that all choices and plot-points rest in your hands. With that said, most authors write novels so that you can go back and reread the book to make entirely different choices. Making new choices will lead you to a new ending. If you don’t like the ending you land on after the first read, you can easily go back and try again. That’s the beauty of a “choose your adventure” novel; there is no right or wrong choice to make!

The Genre

Even avid readers and book lovers will have preferred genres. Odds are if you love a good classic romance, you’re probably not overly keen on horror, sci-fi fantasy, or living books. Even if you are, you probably prefer one genre over another. One way of narrowing down the best to “choose your own adventure” books is to consider which genres tend to encapsulate your favorites. Each genre tends to hold its norms and characteristics. Mysteries tend to be fast-paced and thrilling, while fantasy tends to be quite intricate and filled with dense characterization.

The Length

Generally, “choose your own adventure” books that are the same length as an ordinary book. Some are short, and others are long. Generally, expect anywhere from 350 to 400 pages. Additionally, some “choose your own adventure” books will include pictures or illustrations, while others will not. There is a lot more freedom for authors to make their own creative decisions when crafting a “choose your own adventure” book. Find a good reading chair and sink into the story.


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