How Long Do You Have Access to Kaplan Online?

Kaplan GRE prep course is an online test program with various study materials for almost every exam needed to continue your education. The materials are available in three formats, GRE Prep Courses, GRE Practice, and GRE Tutoring. But how long do you have access to Kaplan online?

Access to Kaplan Online

Kaplan GRE Prep Courses

Kaplan knows top scores take top teachers. The Kaplan GRE prep course allows you to take live, online courses, or in-person courses. You also have the option to take a self-guided course. Teachers will help students who need to increase their GRE scores to continue their graduate program education.


When you sign up for one of these courses, you get all of the online resources available through Kaplan education. You get seven full-length, computer-based practice exams and a customizable questions bank of over 2,500 GRE questions. You have six-months to access all Kaplan online resources.

Kaplan GRE Practice

If you don’t want to participate in live courses, you have the opportunity to purchase the GRE prep books. The smartest teachers built the question bank and full-length exams in test preparation.

Practice Packages

Kaplan offers three different practice packages. You can purchase access to just the question bank, just the practice exams, or a bundle of each. The question bank has over 2,500 questions for students to study and work through. You also acquire in-depth explanations for all questions. The practice exams give you access to 4 practice tests. You will receive in-depth explanations for each practice question and each question on the exam. Kaplan gives you six months of access to each of the packages.

GRE Tutoring

If you decide the self-guided education course is right for you, you need a little help studying the material you do not know. You can also receive tutoring from a GRE expert. It can be game-changing and help you discover unique strengths and weaknesses. Adding tutoring can increase your score on your exam. You also receive an official GRE test day experience that stimulates a realistic test day scenario.

How to Extend the Online Access

All of Kaplan GRE prep comes with six months of access. However, you can extend your subscription for up to 24 weeks. To extend your subscription, you must extend your course within the last 60 days of your subscription.

A Final Word

access to kaplan online material

When you purchase a GRE prep program from Kaplan, you pay to use the materials for six months. If you’d like more time to work through the resources, Kaplan will allow you to lengthen your subscription for a week at a time. When you start studying early, you have more time to study, increasing your GRE score. Let Kaplan help you through its GRE test preparation program. With years of experience, Kaplan knows how to help you!

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